xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new (public)

 <instance of xo::db::CrItem[i]> save_new [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -creation_user creation_user ] [ -creation_ip creation_ip ] \
    [ -context_id context_id ] [ -live_p on|off ] \
    [ -use_given_publish_date on|off ]

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl

Insert a new item to the content repository.

user_id if the creating user
(boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
make this revision the live revision
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_test_cr_items test_cr_items (test xotcl-core) xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new test_test_cr_items->xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4 xotcl_core_tutorial_4 (test xotcl-core) test_xotcl_core_tutorial_4->xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new _ _ (public) xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new->_ cr_check_mime_type cr_check_mime_type (public) xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new->cr_check_mime_type cr_create_content_file cr_create_content_file (public) xo::db::CrItem instproc save_new->cr_create_content_file

xotcl_core_tutorial_4, test_cr_items
Source code:

set __class [:info class]

if {![info exists package_id] && [info exists :package_id]} {
  set package_id ${:package_id}
if {![info exists context_id]} {
  set context_id [expr {[info exists :context_id] ? ${:context_id} : ""}]
[self class] get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
set :creation_user $creation_user
set __atts  [list creation_user]
set __vars $__atts

# :log "db_slots for $__class: [$__class array get db_slot]"
foreach {__slot_name __slot} [$__class array get db_slot] {
  # :log "--slot = $__slot"
  if {
      [$__slot domain] eq "::xo::db::Object"
      || $__slot in {
    } continue
  :instvar $__slot_name
  if {![info exists $__slot_name]} {set $__slot_name ""}
  lappend __atts [$__slot column_name]
  lappend __vars $__slot_name

if {$use_given_publish_date} {
  if {"publish_date" ni $__atts} {
    set publish_date ${:publish_date}
    lappend __atts publish_date
    lappend __vars publish_date
  set publish_date_flag [list -publish_date $publish_date]
} else {
  set publish_date_flag ""

::xo::dc transaction {
  $__class instvar storage_type object_type
  [self class] lock acs_objects "SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE"
  set revision_id [xo::dc nextval acs_object_id_seq]
  set :revision_id $revision_id

  if {![info exists :name] || ${:name} eq ""} {
    # we have an autonamed item, use a unique value for the name
    set :name [expr {[info exists :__autoname_prefix] ?
                     "${:__autoname_prefix}$revision_id" : $revision_id}]
  if {$title eq ""} {
    set title [expr {[info exists :__title_prefix] ?
                     "${:__title_prefix} (${:name})" : ${:name}}]

  if {$storage_type eq "file"} {
    # Get the mime_type from the file, eventually creating a new
    # one if it's unrecognized.
    set mime_type [cr_check_mime_type  -mime_type $mime_type  -filename  ${:name}  -file      ${:import_file}]

  set :item_id [::acs::dc call content_item new  -name            ${:name}  -parent_id       ${:parent_id}  -creation_user   $creation_user  -creation_ip     $creation_ip  -context_id      $context_id  -item_subtype    "content_item"  -content_type    $object_type  -description     $description  -mime_type       $mime_type  -nls_language    $nls_language  -is_live         f  -storage_type    $storage_type  -package_id      $package_id  -with_child_rels f]

  if {$storage_type eq "file"} {
    set text [cr_create_content_file ${:item_id} $revision_id ${:import_file}]

  ::xo::dc [::xo::dc insert-view-operation] revision_add  [[:info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars]
  :fix_content $revision_id $text

  if {$live_p} {
    # Update the life revision with the publish status and
    # optionally the publish_date
    ::acs::dc call content_item set_live_revision  -revision_id $revision_id  -publish_status ${:publish_status}  -is_latest true  {*}$publish_date_flag

:db_1row [:qn get_dates] {
  select creation_date, last_modified
  from acs_objects where object_id = :revision_id
set :object_id ${:item_id}
return ${:item_id}
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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